History of Portland Cement Manufacture

Portland cement is essentially a calcium silicate cement, which is produced by firing to partial fusion, at a temperature of approximately 1500°C, a well-homogenized and finely ground mixture of limestone or chalk (calcium carbonate) and an appropriate quantity of clay or shale.

The composition is commonly fine-tuned by the addition of sand and/or iron oxide.

The first calcium silicate cements were produced by the Greeks and Romans, who discovered that volcanic ash, if finely ground and mixed with lime and water, produced a hardened mortar, which was resistant to weathering.

The reaction is known as the pozzolanic reaction and it is the basis of the contribution made to strength and concrete performance by materials such as fly ash, microsilica and metakaolin in modern concrete.

In the mid eighteenth-century John Smeaton discovered that certain impure limes (these contained appropriate levels of silica and alumina) had hydraulic properties. That is, they contained reactive silicates and aluminates, which could react with water to yield durable hydrates, which resisted the action of water. Smeaton used this material in the mortar used to construct the Eddystone Lighthouse in 1759.

The term ‘Portland cement’ was first applied by Joseph Aspdin in his British Patent No. 5022 (1824), which describes a process for making artificial stone by mixing lime with clay in the form of a slurry and calcining (heating to drive off carbon dioxide and water) the dried lumps of material in a shaft kiln.

The calcined material (clinker) was ground to produce cement. The term ‘Portland’ was used because of the similarity of the hardened product to that of Portland stone from Dorset and also because this stone had an excellent reputation for performance.

Joseph Aspdin was not the first to produce a calcium silicate cement but his patent gave him the priority for the use of the term ‘Portland cement’. Other workers were active at the same time or earlier, most notably Louis Vicat in France. Blezard (1998) gives a comprehensive review of the history of the development of calcareous (lime-based) cements.

The cements produced in the first half of the nineteenth century did not have the same compound composition as modern Portland cements as the temperature achieved was not high enough for the main constituent mineral of modern cements, tricalcium silicate (C3S), to be formed. The only silicate present was the less reactive dicalcium silicate (C2S).

The main technical innovations in cement manufacture which have taken place over approximately the last 150 years are summarized in Figure 1.1.

It was the introduction of the rotary kiln at the end of the nineteenth century that enabled a homogeneous product to be manufactured, which had experienced a consistently high enough temperature to ensure C3S formation.

During the twentieth century the nature of the product changed relatively little in terms of its overall chemistry and mineral composition but there have been considerable advances in production technology resulting in improved energy efficiency, improved quality control, reduced environmental impact and lower labor intensity.

It should be noted that the introduction of rotary kiln technology in the early twentieth century coincided with the publication of cement standards in the UK and the USA.

Both standards required the strength of a briquette of cement paste to reach minimum values at 7 and 28 days.

The control of clinker composition has advanced from the volume proportions arrived at by trial and error in the late nineteenth century to precise control using rapid X-ray fluorescence techniques.

The continuous improvements in manufacturing methods and quality control combined with market competitive pressures have resulted in a fourfold increase in the 28-day strength given by a typical European Portland cement at 28 days since the late nineteenth century.

In Europe, this strength escalation has effectively been controlled by the introduction of cement standards with upper as well as lower strength limits.

Figure 1.1 Landmarks in Portland cement production.